So, I just went out to check out how things were going on the house, not expecting anything spectacular, and I was so excited to see that Chico, David´s younger brother (who has done all the welding work on the house), is installing our iron bar wondows!!
I took a few pictures with my cell phone so I could post them!
The first window I saw. It actually isn´t welded into place yet, but Chico will get to it soon.
We also have matching iron bar doors.

A close-up of the window. I think they look great!
Inside the bedroom. These haven´t been welded in place either.
David bought some stucco finishing stuff that they are going to do on the inside on all of the walls. It will make the walls look almost like drywall. Nice and smooth!! 
Chico, welding in the first window. You can also see the two doors leaning against the wall behind him.

Another picture of the bathroom! They have almost finished the walls, and will be starting with the floor soon!!

And finally, a random story.
I was translating this weekend for a team that was doing outreach in a small community called Citalapa. Its a pretty poor community, but the kids are so happy, and it was tons of fun. On the last day, one of the youth, named Gina, told me she wanted to give me a gift. I´ve had people offer me gifts before, like food, or something they have made, but this one was alive! A little parakeet!!
I didn´t think I could say no without offending her, so I called David and made sure it was ok that I am adding once again to our little family. He said its fine, and if it really becomes a problem we can give her away.
So, I named her Jellybean (really, I don´t know if its a she...), and we are buying a cage today. She slept last night on the curtin rod in our living room, and has spent today on a portable laundry hanger that I have. Her wings are clipped, so at least she´s not flying around the room! Oreo is very interested in her, but is very gentle, which I am so thankful for!
I had to do a little bit of research on birds this morning to find out what I can feed her, bird food is not easy to find in Nicaragua. Good thing she can eat just about any veggie or fruit, including beans! Plus, I am so thankful that David has had birds before, so he knows what to do!