Well, September is over, but there is not much I can say about house progress... It has been so rainy that building has slowed down significantly. We learned our lesson though: Don´t start building in the rainy season!! We also had to slow down because we don´t have the funds to finish the last few projects we need to get done before we move in! Unfortunately, along with rain, September and October see very few groups or missions tems in Nicaragua. With-out the extra income, we are making just enough to get by. But, we have faith! We are very hopeful that things will pick up again once we get into November, and especially December!!
Anyway, I though I would post a few picture so you can see whats going on (when its not raining- which doesn´t happen very often!)

David- cutting grass Nica-style!

Our toilet and sink are finally installed, and once we have water, they will work too!!

This is David does his impression of a serial killer...
Actually he was just coming back from work, I think.

Here are the iron bars on the arched windows, they have a little more design then the rest.
They are also painted white now.
I don´t really have any other Estrada Family updates. But I´ll update the N.Americans on Nicaragua´s situation: The rain has been pretty distructive across the country. The level of Lake Managua (the second largest lake in Nicaragua) rose 19cm (yes, centimeter, not millimeters) in one day, and flooding is so bad that some houses are cover up to the roof, or destroyed completely. The water level in lake Managua is now higher then it was after hurricane Mitch, and the worst of the rainy season (October) hasn´t even hit yet. David and I are blessed to own land on high ground! We are praying that the hurricanes stay away from Nicaragua this year, because with all the distruction that has already happened, a hurricane at this point would be devistating.
And after scaring you with that paragraph....Don´t worry, David and I are keeping safe. We don´t go out on the motorcycle in the rain, and if we get caught in a rain storm, we wait until its over to keep going. Like I said before, we live on fairly hight ground, and the worst part of the rain for us is that I have to walk through puddles and mud to wash clothes or use the internet (like today!).
I, personally, hope October will go by quickly! I am looking forward to the dry season!!