Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A short one...´s really frustrating when you type out a whole blog post, and then an error make the whole thing disappear!! sum up what I already typed before...

1. Move in day has been postponed. We don´t have our electricity or water hooked up yet, and we need to wait until David´s brother, Joel, gets back from Costa Rica (hopefully on friday). Until then we are finishing up other last minute details, like installing the toilet and sink, and painting the iron bars that have been finally welded into place on the arched windows.

2. "Missions Season" has come to an end, which means alot less translating jobs between now and December. I have been sending out emails to any organisations I can find online to let them know that I am available to tranlate, and *fingers crossed* I will have a few jobs to keep me busy! While I´m not translating I will be keeping busy organizing and reorganizing the new house, and trying to make the yard look less grungy!

3. David and I said goodbye to Jellybean (the parakeet that was given to me at the beginning of august). It took me about 3 weeks to realize that I really don´t like birds at all, and I will never again have one as a pet. We gave her to a neighbour who just receintly lost her bird to a cat. We gave her the cage too.

Thats all my updates, thanks for reading!


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