Here are some new shots of the house! It has come a long way since the last time I was out there with a camera!

Front: We actually have finish doorways and windows!!
They are just doing the last layer of cement and rebar around the top (which is why you can see all that wood up there) and the wall will be finished!

This side (which will become part of the front of our house in phase two) isn´t finished yet because those windows are arched. I know, fancy!! But fanciness means more time!!

Interior. There sides are completely done, and the last side, (arched windows) will be finished early next week. The roof will go up next week, and then they will pour the floor.

My future livingroom/kitchen/diningroom!

My future bedroom (and bathroom in the corner)

It looks a bit prision-like right now, but after they finish the walls it will be covered in a concrete stucco, so you wont actually see the blocks anymore.

Our Finished Well!
You can sort of see the water at the bottom!
Next week: roof, floor, and plumbing! David and I are going to pick out tile colour for the bathroom and light fixtures so he knows what to buy while I go to Canada for two weeks in July!
I hope you kept part of your budget for blinds - that's a lot of windows!
ReplyDeleteAnd windows themselves are insanely expensive. I had no idea. I like the idea of the arches, though!
ReplyDeleteThat picture of the well looks very artsy. You can even see the reflection of your camera flash, which is pretty cool.
yep, lots of windows. I´m all about airflow!! we will at least have curtins.
ReplyDeleteAnd are expensive.